How 'Quantum Computing' is going to be the future of 'AI'?

  Having reached the limits of virtual binary computers, quantum computing has captured the imagination of PC scientists as a possible future of the subject.  There are still plenty of unanswered questions surrounding quantum computing, and it's unclear whether the tools will aid in building the wave of investment in commercial enterprise AI.

  With just two bits and three Boolean algebraic operators, we built excellent fact-crunching machines that have automated many guide tasks and made a big impact on our surroundings.  From simple accounting and delivery chain routing to flight management knowledge of computers and genomes, it is hard to overestimate the impact of computers on our contemporary lives.

  But as technology approaches the limits of what we can do classical binary computer systems, quantum computer systems have emerged with the promise of significant improvements in computational strength.  Rather than being limited to Boolean linear algebraic functions on 1s and 0s, quantum computing lets us apply linear algebra to quantum bits, or qubits, which can be composed of numbers, vectors, and matrices interacting in quantum forms.  , such as superposition, entanglement and interference as well.

  Quantum computing potentially opens the door to solving very large and complex computational problems that are basically impossible to solve on conventional computers.  This includes such things as the use of brute-force methods to gamble the passcode used to encrypt a piece of fact using a 256-bit algorithm.  Data encrypted with AES-256 is considered comfortable precisely because it cannot be cracked by a brute-force attack.  But with the ability of quantum computer systems to compute with many possible states, solving such problems would now be within practical achievement.

  Another example is the visiting salesman problem.  Given many geographic locations, identifying the most efficient direction among them is clearly an extraordinarily computation-wide problem.  UPS, which spends billions on gas for its shipping trucks, has long since restricted the amount of left turns by its drivers in an attempt to maximize transportation time and limit gas use.  , making it an exciting diversion for the old traveling salesperson.

   Large transformer fashion, including OpenAI's GPT-III, which has one hundred and seventy-five billion parameters, takes months to teach on classical computer systems.  As Destiny Fashion grows into trillions of parameters, it will take even longer to train them.  This is why users are adopting newer microprocessor architectures that offer higher performance than traditional CPUs or even GPUs supply.

  But at the end of the day, CPUs and GPUs are tied to classical binary computer systems, and they impose restrictions.  Quantum computer systems offer the opportunity for quantum jumps in overall performance and functionality for many use examples, and AI is clearly one in each of them.

  "Quantum AI can help achieve results that are not possible to achieve with classical computer systems," writes Dilmegany.

  One of the early quantum laptop makers to move into this vicinity is Google.  In March 2020, Google released TensorFlow Quantum, which brings TensorFlow gadgets into the world of quantum computer systems to gain knowledge of the improved library.  With TensorFlow Quantum, builders may be able to enhance quantum neural network models that run on quantum computer systems.

  While jogging AI applications on quantum computer systems is still in its early degrees, several companies are working to expand it.  NASA has been working with Google for some time, and is also working in laboratories across the country.

  For example, concluding month, researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory posted a paper titled "The absence of barren plateaus in quantum convolutional neural networks," which basically suggests that convolutional neural networks (typically for PC vision issues)  The type used) can run on a quantum computer.

  LANL researchers are optimistic on the potential of quantum AI algorithms to make the following leap in computational capacity.  Patrick Coles, a quantum physicist at LANL and co-creator of the paper, says the technique will provide new approaches to crunching massive amounts of data.

  "The topic of gaining knowledge of quantum devices is still new," Coles said in a LANL press release.  "There's a famous quote about lasers, when they were first found, that said it was a solution in search of a problem. Now lasers are used everywhere. Similarly, some of us  suspects that the quantum record becomes sufficiently available, and then the study of quantum systems will begin."

  Earlier this year, IBM Research announced that it had discovered "mathematical evidence" of the quantum advantage of knowing quantum systems.  Proofs that come within the shape of a square algorithm, provided that the entry into the "classical record", has presented a "proven exponential speedup" over traditional ML strategies.  While there are plenty of caveats to go along with that announcement, it does provide a glimpse into a possible future in which quantum AI is possible.

  To be sure, every time two extravagantly hyped technologies—AI and quantum computing—come together there can be a lot of doubt.  In its July 2021 weblog, IBM said: "There is an enormous enthusiasm in laptop science because of few standards - and perhaps as much potential for hype and misinformation - as quantum systems are getting to know."

  While there seems to be potential with quantum AI, that potential is as yet unrealized.  On the deeper side, there appears to be at least some reason for some optimism that there may be a real step forward in our future.

  "The suspicion is right that quantum computing remains a discipline of research and that it is far from being done on neural networks," writes Dilmegany.  "However, in a decade, AI may want to run to another heights due to insufficient computing power and quantum computing may rise to aid the development of AI."

  It is too early to say whether the field of quantum computing can have a major impact on the development of AI.  We are still in the middle of what we call "noisy intermediate-stage quantum" or NISQ within the quantum computing discipline.  There are honestly many promising developments, but there are still a lot of unanswered questions.


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